Student/Employee Orientations: This serves to familiarize students and employees with our department and procedures. In addition, we offer suggestions on maintaining personal safety that can be used anywhere.
Listening Circles: These discussions with students, administrators, faculty and staff address concerns and provide suggestions for collaborative initiatives.
Coffee with the Cops: This provides an informal interaction with coffee and snacks between our department and the university community at various campus locations.
Opportunity Knocks: Our team and the residential life staff tour residence halls knock on doors and have informal discussions with students about strategies to maintain personal safety.
Personal Defense: Women is an accredited course for female students offered through the College of Public Health (Kinesiology Physical Activity Program). Certified Rape Aggression Defense instructors teach students to utilize defensive tactics and risk awareness to reduce the potential for victimization.
Introductory self-defense workshops can be conducted upon request with one of our certified RAD instructors. For more information, contact Risk Reduction & Advocacy Services Manager Donna Gray at 215- 204-5870 or via email at
Safety Awareness Programs
Our safety awareness programs serve as opportunities to share information about safety services and resources, and for us to gain feedback about ways we can enhance our services.
If your bike disappears and is later recovered by the police, the only way they'll be able to get it back to you is if they have some record that connects you to the bike. That's where registration comes in. After you complete the registration process, bring your TUid and your bike to any of these locations to complete the process:
- Administrative Office: 1101 W. Montgomery Ave.
- Patrol / Police Headquarters: 1801 N. 11th St.
- Center Station: Beasley and Polett Walk
Since 2005 Temple University Emergency Medical Services (TUEMS) has worked alongside the Temple University Police Department to respond immediately to medical emergencies on and around Temple University's Main Campus. TUEMS is a student-run, volunteer, basic life support organization that rides bicycles and provides initial triage and basic life support care until more advanced care arrives. Currently, TUEMS operates seven nights a week from 7:30 p.m. to 3:30 a.m.
Contact TUEMS by calling Temple Police: (215) 204-1234 or 911

Digital Fingerprinting
Applicants must first register with IdentGO, then schedule an appointment.
Digital Fingerprinting
Step 1: Register with IdentoGO:
Temple University applicants must register online. You will type in the registration access code for the State Agency which is requesting the background check. Fill in the personal information questions and enter the location access code (SP-TEMPLEMONT) then select walk-in.
Step 2: After registering with IdentoGO applicants must schedule their fingerprinting appointment. This step is mandatory to continue with the process. Applicants must be pre-enrolled with IndentoGo.
- Applicants are required to show a form of State ID.
- No Walk-ins will be accepted
Temple University IdentoGO Location is in the Morgan Hall Sub Station, 1601 N. Park Avenue, Philadelphia, PA 19122 Phone: (215) 204-1909
Ink Fingerprinting:
Call our Public Safety Investigations Unit to schedule an appointment Monday - Friday 9:00am - 4:00pm. Phone: (215) 204-7178