Measuring Our Progress

In 2022, Temple University engaged 21CP Solutions to conduct an external, independent review of its Campus Safety Services. This wide-ranging review produced 75 recommendations for Temple’s consideration. In addition, Temple’s Violence Reduction Task Force brought together representatives from our campuses and community to discuss how we could do better. While our Department of Public Safety (formerly Campus Safety Services) is a vital component of the safety ecosystem at Temple, we recognize the need to focus on not just preventing crime but also transforming the root causes of violence – while being sensitive to communities that have too often borne the burden of inequitable policing practices.

Safety Initiatives Dashboard

These charts show the alignment of the external review and task force recommendations to the university's priorities and the status of each. Recommendations are assigned to a lead department and supported by key internal stakeholders and our community partners. We encourage you to explore these interactive charts to learn more about our areas of focus and our progress. Data is refreshed regularly and compiled for the purposes of internal assessment and program effectiveness.